Dry bread gulab jamun covered with dessicated coconut is an all time favorite with people of all the age groups A must to go with a festive or celebration meal Easy to serve on any occasion with any meal any time These can be made oil free too in an air fryer Can be made conveniently during hard times #juicybreadgulabjamun#drygulabjamun#oilfreegulabjamun#gulabjamunforrakshabandhan#indiansweet#instantgulabjamun#satvikkhana#jainfoodrecipe#ritabhargavakitchen#ritakitchenairfrygroup#ritakitchen#unusualcooking#rakshabandhanmithai#mithaiforrakshabandhan#airfriedgulabjamun#raakhispecial
Dry And Juicy Bread Gulab Jamun | Gulab Jamun Recipe | तीज त्योहार में बनाए सूखे पर रसीले गुलाबजामुन
Updated: Dec 1, 2020